Tutorial : Merit Badge Award Mini Quilt

3 comments by Christine Lux

Hey, hey! 

We all have a quilty friend who deserves an award for being awesome. Whether she (or he!) is the queen of scraps, or is always "sew happy" with their positive attitude, or even the crazy ones who maybe, you know ... run with scissors! LOL!

Today, I have a fun little mini quilt project to celebrate awesomeness! Speaking of awesome, when Moda introduced their merit badge collection last spring I knew I had to have them! And a fun award ribbon was my first project ... fast forward to now and our Moda Ribbon Challenge we are hosting along with Jen over at Heritage Threads and I finally got around to transforming this from sketch to a real live, hang-it-on-the-wall mini! 

For details about the Moda Ribbon Challenge, head over to Jen's blog post!

Here's what you will need: 

  • 1 Moda Merit Badge (they come in packs of 3)
  • 1 Fat Eighth + a coordinating charm square for award ribbon (I used Early Bird by Kate Spain - available this Spring)
  • 1 Fat Eighth background (I used Moda Cross Weave Black)
  • 1 Fat Eighth backing (I used Moda Essential Dots White Black)
  • 1 Jelly Roll strip (or 2.25" x WOF) for binding (I used Handmade Stripe in Black)
  • 1 yard Moda Ribbon (you know you have some hoarded! ;-)
  • 10" x 14" cotton batting
  • Paper, small square of cardstock, pencil, & compass (or circle template set)
  • Basic sewing supplies

Step 1: Make the Ruffle

Cut one 3" x 21" strip from your award ribbon fabric. Fold in half lengthwise WRONG sides together and stitch down the raw edges using a long basting stitch. Pull the ends of the thread to create a ruffle.  (Alternatively, you can also pleat your fabric, which is sometimes a little easier.) 

Next, draw a 3-3/4" circle on a piece of paper and cut on the line. You will use this as your guide to great the base of your award. 

Arrange your ruffled strip in a circle on top of the paper circle and stitch it down. I turned the ends under and overlapped them a bit where they met. (You can also hand stitch these ends closed if you like.)

Step 2: Make the Center Circle

Draw a second circle, this time 2.5" in diameter. I drew this on a piece of lightweight card stock. (The inserts in your Moda precuts are great for this! ;-) Cut out the circle. 

Next, place the circle in the center of your charm square. Using a needle, run a basting stitch around the circle.  Pull the ends of the thread to draw the fabric around the cardstock piece.  

Press well and trim away some of the excess fabric, if needed. (I used some Elmer's Washable School Glue to hold secure the edges down on the back.)

Step 3: Finish the Award Center

Place your merit badge in the center of the circle you made in step 2. Using a coordinating thread, sew it onto your fabric circle. (I used a navy thread and sewing just inside the aqua edging.) 

Cut eight pieces of Moda bundle ribbon about 1.5" long. Fold in half and arrange on top of your pleated piece. (Be sure raw edges will be covered by your badge circle.) Baste raw edges in place on the pleated circle. Set both the circle/badge and the pleated pieces aside for now. 

Step 4: Make the Tails 

From your fat eighth, cut two 2.5" x 7.5" strips. Staring with one piece, fold in half length wise with right sides together. Draw a line at a 45" angle at one end. This will create your angle. Sew down the long sides and along the angle, backstitching at both ends. Turn right sides out, carefully push out corners, and press. Repeat to make two tails. 

Next, cut two pieces of Moda bundle ribbon the same length as your tails. Center a ribbon strip on top of each tail and baste in place at the top. Trim the Moda ribbon to desired length. 

Finally, arrange tails under the pleated circle and baste in place. 

Step 5: Make the Mini Background

Note: make sure you are happy the size of your background compared to your award ribbon & tails before cutting!

Cut a background and backing rectangle approximately 10" x 14". Baste with batting in between and quilt as desired.  I used a grid of straight lines. 

Trim to desired finished size (mine is 8" x 12"). 

Step 6: Finish It!

Place your pleated circle with tails on top of your prepared mini. Pin in place. Then place your circle with the badge on top of the pleated section. Pin in place. 

Carefully stitch about 1/8" from the edge of the circle to secure all of the layers together - the circle/badge to the pleated unit and also to the mini/background. 

Using a 2.25" x WOF strip folded in half lengthwise to make your binding. Attach to the front by machine and finish as desired. 

Admire your work ... You did great!  Now go pat yourself on the back and give yourself an amazing acceptance speech!  :)

Hope you enjoyed this fun little project - I would love to see your award winning creations - link them up in the comments or tag me on IG (@sewlux) and use #modaribbonchallenge and #modameritbadges


  • Barb Brandt

    So cute, thanks for the pattern! Am digging out my badges and some cute fabrics right now?

  • Cheri

    Just saw the other post that said you have the badges and so I just ordered them! Thanks much.

  • Cheri

    It’s just adorable. Where does one find the Moda Merit Badges?

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