Best Friends Forever Rainbow Pillow

2 comments by Christine Lux

The new Best Friends Forever collection by Stacy Iest Hsu is too cute!  We love the rainbow palette and fun prints. Last week we whipped up a quick and easy pillow and thought we'd share the details here. 

You will need the following (kits available here): 

  • 1 Mini Charm Pack (or 36 2.5" squares)
  • 1 FQ Border Print
  • 1 HY for Backing
  • Approx 20" square batting & muslin, if quilting


Start by arranging your squares into six rows of six. We arranged them in a rainbow like gradient, but you can arrange them however you like!

Next, sew all the rows together using a 1/4" seam allowance. Press rows in opposite directions and then join the rows. Press well. 

From your border fabric, cut two 4" x 12.5" rectangles and two 4" x 19.5" rectangles. Join the 12.5" long strips to opposite sides of your patchwork, pressing toward the border. Then sew the 19.5" long strips to the remaining two sides. Again pressing toward the border. 

Layer the pillow front with batting and muslin backing (or solid fabric) and quilt as desired. We did a fluffy FMQ mum-like flower. 

Trim the pillow front to 19" square. 

To make the back, from the half yard cut two 14" x 19" rectangles. Along one 19" side, fold about 1" to the wrong side. Tuck the raw edge into the fold and then topstitch to secure in place. Repeat this to finish one 19" edge on the remaining rectangle in the same manner. 

To finish, with the pillow front facing up, place one backing rectangle RST on top of the pillow front aligning raw edges with top, bottom and one side.

Then place the remaining backing rectangle on top of the other RST aligning to the opposite side.

Stitch all the way around using a 1/2" seam allowance. (We usually do two rows of stitching and clip the corners to reduce bulk.)

Carefully turn right side out and gently push out the corners. Insert a pillow form and enjoy!

This project can be done with any collection! Just arrange the mini charm squares to your liking, add a border and stitch it up!

Happy Sewing!


  • Barbara McDonald

    What size pillow form should you use?

  • Jean Davis

    Excellent tutorial. Great fabric choice. Thank you!

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